1. What is Resilience Explorer?
Resilience Explorer is a forward-thinking solution designed for decision-makers navigating the complexities of climate change, planning for future weather events, and enhancing organisational resilience. It supports continuous risk understanding and adaptation planning around Aotearoa New Zealand and abroad by integrating guidance with best practice research.
2. What types of organisation can this support?
The Resilience Explorer is designed to embed risk awareness into all areas of decision-making, regardless of your organisation size and type. Typically, this is used by:
- Local and Regional Councils
- Iwi and Hapū
- Infrastructure Providers & Asset Managers
- Housing Providers & Developers
- Emergency Managers
- Public & Private Businesses
- Central Government Agencies & Commissions
3. How does this align with international guidance, ISO standards, and best practice?
National and international guidance is continually being published and updated to support councils, communities, and organisations to evaluate and act upon their risk to climate change.
Our research-driven approach means we are continuously working to align with current guidance and standards. Wherever possible we go beyond the requirements and ensure we are delivering leading solutions for our clients.
Contact us to understand how we improve on:
- Ministry for the Environment (MfE) Local Climate Risk Assessment Guidance (2021)
- MfE Coastal Hazard Risk Assessment Guidance (2017)
- AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management Standard
- MfE Interim guidance on the use of new sea-level rise projections (2022)
- ISO 14091:2021 Adaptation to climate change: Guidelines on vulnerabilities, impacts and risk assessment
- External Reporting Board (XRB) Climate Related Disclosure Standards
4. What hazards & timeframes can I assess?
Resilience Explorer and our underlying risk models can assess risk to any source over any timeframe. This will depend on the data you have available.
Our modelling and platform can assess both acute (shock) and chronic (long-term stressor) hazards. Our team will work with you to process any hazard data you already own and integrate other local, regional, national, or international hazard models.
Acute Hazards
- Coastal Flooding
- Erosion
- Groundwater
- Heatwaves
- Pluvial & Fluvial Flooding
- Wildfire
- Ground Shaking
- Liquefaction
- Landslide
- Extreme Wind
- Lava Flows & Ash Fall
- Tsunami
Chronic Hazards
- Extreme temperature trends
- Sea level rise
- Erosion
- Groundwater rise
- Drought
- Mean Rainfall
- Solar Radiation
- Soil Moisture & Temperature
- Evapotranspiration
- Humidity
- Marine Temperatures
- Ocean Acidification
Timeframes, Return Periods, and Climate Scenarios
Depending on the data available you can view acute hazards of varying probabilities or return intervals as well as chronic hazards across timeframes between present day, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years. Chronic hazards are often linked to different climate scenarios set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that range from shared socio-economic pathways (SSP – previously representative concentration pathways, RCP) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, each representing a future of varying emissions, warming, and societal change.
5. What elements can I include, and where does the data come from?
Resilience Explorer allows you to assess and report risk to physical assets, communities, and places of value across built, natural, human, cultural, and economic domains.
This can be anything that has a spatially explicit component and may include:
- People and communities (by demographic and deprivation statistics)
- Transportation infrastructure and supply chains
- Buildings and property
- Three waters infrastructure
- Landfills
- Electricity generation, transmission, and distribution
- Productive land
- Parks and blue-green infrastructure
- Wetlands
- Ecosystems and habitats
- Heritage and culturally significant sites
- Telecommunications infrastructure
- Public amenities
- Emergency services
- Highly productive land
Some elements may not be appropriate for assessing risk, yet they provide important context for an area or decision; we call these contextual layers. These often include customer-regions, distribution zones, soil type, water ways, vertical land movement, suburb boundaries, community demographics, district plan zones, etc.
Similar to hazard information, we work with you to draw the appropriate information from all available sources. These often include, but are not limited to, Land Information New Zealand, Statistics New Zealand, Local and Regional Councils.
6. How is risk defined and measured?
Risk carries many conceptual definitions and subsequent measurement methods. We broadly define risk as the consequences (good and bad) and associated uncertainties of an event.
To measure risk spatially, we consider a function relating to exposure and vulnerability, with criticality often providing post-evaluate prioritisation.
Further definitions can be found in the International Society for Risk Analysis Glossary.

7. How does the platform integrate with other software (e.g., ESRI)?
Resilience Explorer seamlessly integrates with other software, ensuring compatibility and ease of use in your existing workflows.
The platform draws directly from different data services (e.g., ArcGIS REST services, live in-field monitoring sensors, etc.) and can be exported manually or through a custom API.
8. Can I update and add new information, data, or scenarios?
Absolutely. Our platform is designed to adapt to evolving situations and user needs. You have the flexibility to update and add new information, data, or scenarios in Resilience Explorer.
We know that national and international guidance and legislation is always changing – as is your data. We provide constant updates to the functioning of the platform and quarterly risk simulations to make sure you can make the most of all your data in its most recent state.
9. How much does the platform cost?
Resilience Explorer is offered on a quarterly subscription model, with an additional setup fee for implementation. The subscription pricing is relative to the size of your organisation and/or rating base.
The quarterly subscription provides you with:
- Maintenance, security, and reliability of the platform
- Ongoing support, training, and guidance for the platform
- Advice and guidance from leading risk experts
- Regular updates with:
- New hazard and asset data when available
- New risk methods/research as developed
- New functions and features
What does the initial implementation include?
Depending on your organisation size and data availability, this will take between 3-12 weeks to ensure the data, modelling, and final platform suits your specific needs. This phase includes:
- Data collection, cleaning, and processing
- Organisation-specific methodology changes
- Risk simulation modelling
- Platform setup and hosting
- Presentation and training to key stakeholders
10. Can I test the platform before committing?
Certainly! We offer a comprehensive trial session for you to explore Resilience Explorer’s features. Contact us to discuss the trial and how it aligns with your organisation’s goals.
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